- Document Structure and Semantics
- Get Your Color Contrast Right
- Responsible Text Labels
- Small Typography Tweaks With a Big Impact
- Enhance Keyboard Support
- Don't Rely on Color Alone to Communicate State Changes
- Wrapping Up
Todo tipo de información sobre accesibilidad en la Web: errores de accesibilidad, ejemplos de páginas inaccesibles, noticias, software, hardware, productos de apoyo, consejos, pautas y guías de accesibilidad, WAI, WCAG, Norma EN 301 549, legislación, etc.
miércoles, 30 de mayo de 2018
Pequeñas cosas que pueden mejorar la accesibilidad de un sitio web
En Small Tweaks That Can Make a Huge Impact on Your Website’s Accessibility explican pequeños cambios que pueden mejorar enormemente la accesibilidad de una página web:
lunes, 28 de mayo de 2018
Algunos comentarios sobre el daltonismo
Muy interesante todo lo que se cuenta en What my color-blindness taught me about design:
I can tell the difference between green and red most of the time depending on what light I’m under, but I’m pretty sure it’s not the same green and red other people see. The color blindness is typically inherited. After I was diagnosed, my grandpa and uncle from my mom’s side were also diagnosed color blindness (they always were but they didn’t notice). Also, there is no cure for color blindness. This means that I will have to adapt.
In fact, 8% of all men and 0.5% of all women suffer from color blindness. Although 99% of color blind people suffer from red-green color blindness, they don’t agree on the same colors. For example, I suffer from Deuteranomaly, and it is hard for me to tell violet from blue or yellow from light green; others who suffer from Protanomaly may see red, orange, yellow appear greener.
viernes, 25 de mayo de 2018
miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2018
lunes, 21 de mayo de 2018
jueves, 17 de mayo de 2018
Global Accessibility Awareness Day
Hoy se celebra el Global Accessibility Awareness Day:
El 17 de mayo, le invitamos a participar en el Día Mundial para Promover la Concienciación sobre la Accesibilidad Web, conocido en inglés como Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). Cuando hablamos de la accesibilidad Web nos referimos a el contenido, la navegación y la interacción. El propósito de este día es para hablar, pensar y aprender sobre la accesibilidad de las tecnologías digitales (web, software, dispositivos móviles, etc.) y los diferente tipos de usuarios, incluyendo las personas con discapacidades. La audiencia que queremos atraer para GAAD son las comunidades de diseño, desarrollo, usabilidad y también los que crean, dan forma, apoyan financieramente e influencian la industria de tecnología y su uso. Aunque una persona este interesada en el tema de hacer la tecnología mas accesible y usable para las personas con discapacidades, la realidad es que muchas veces no saben como y donde comenzar. El conomocimento sobra la accesibilidad Web es el primer paso.
miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2018
Cómo escribir sobre las personas mayores según APA
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition, 2010:
3.16 Age
Age should be reported as part of the description of participants in the Method section. Be specific in providing age ranges; avoid open-ended definitions such as "under 18 years" or "over 65 years." Girl and boy are correct terms for referring to individuals under the age of 12 years. Young man and young woman and female adolescent and male adolescent may be used for individuals aged 13 to 17 years. For persons 18 years and older, use women and men. The terms elderly and senior are not acceptable as nouns; some may consider their use as adjectives pejorative. Generational descriptors such as boomer or baby boomer should not be used unless they are related to a study on this topic. The term older adults is preferred. Age groups may also be described with adjectives. Gerontologists may prefer to use combination terms for older age groups (youngold, old-old, very old, oldest old, and centenarians); provide the specific ages of these groups and use them only as adjectives. Use dementia instead of senility; specify the type of dementia when known (e.g., dementia of the Alzheimer's type). For more references relating to age, see Guidelines for the Evaluation of Dementia and Age-Related Cognitive Decline (APA Presidential Task Force on the Assessment of Age-Consistent Memory Decline and Dementia, 1998) and "Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Older Adults" (APA, 2004; see also www.apastyle.org).
3.16 Age
Age should be reported as part of the description of participants in the Method section. Be specific in providing age ranges; avoid open-ended definitions such as "under 18 years" or "over 65 years." Girl and boy are correct terms for referring to individuals under the age of 12 years. Young man and young woman and female adolescent and male adolescent may be used for individuals aged 13 to 17 years. For persons 18 years and older, use women and men. The terms elderly and senior are not acceptable as nouns; some may consider their use as adjectives pejorative. Generational descriptors such as boomer or baby boomer should not be used unless they are related to a study on this topic. The term older adults is preferred. Age groups may also be described with adjectives. Gerontologists may prefer to use combination terms for older age groups (youngold, old-old, very old, oldest old, and centenarians); provide the specific ages of these groups and use them only as adjectives. Use dementia instead of senility; specify the type of dementia when known (e.g., dementia of the Alzheimer's type). For more references relating to age, see Guidelines for the Evaluation of Dementia and Age-Related Cognitive Decline (APA Presidential Task Force on the Assessment of Age-Consistent Memory Decline and Dementia, 1998) and "Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Older Adults" (APA, 2004; see also www.apastyle.org).
lunes, 14 de mayo de 2018
Como escribir sobre las discapacidades según APA
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition, 2010:
3.15 Disabilities
The overall principle for "nonhandicapping" language is to maintain the integrity (worth) of all individuals as human beings. Avoid language that objectifies a person by her or his condition (e.g., autistic, neurotic), that uses pictorial metaphors (e.g., wheelchair bound or confined to a wheelchair), that uses excessive and negative labels (e.g., AIDS victim, brain damaged), or that can be regarded as a slur (e.g., cripple, invalid). Use people-first language, and do not focus on the individual's disabling or chronic condition (e.g., person with paraplegia, youth with autism). Also use people-first language to describe groups of people with disabilities. For instance, say people with intellectual disabilities in contrast to the retarded (University of Kansas, Research and Training Center on Independent Living, 2008).
Avoid euphemisms that are condescending when describing individuals with disabilities (e.g., special, physically challenged, handi-capable). Some people with disabilities consider these terms patronizing and offensive. When writing about populations with disabilities or participants, emphasize both capabilities and concerns to avoid reducing them to a "bundle of deficiencies" (Rappaport, 1977). Do not refer to individuals with disabilities as patients or cases unless the context is within a hospital or clinical setting.
3.15 Disabilities
The overall principle for "nonhandicapping" language is to maintain the integrity (worth) of all individuals as human beings. Avoid language that objectifies a person by her or his condition (e.g., autistic, neurotic), that uses pictorial metaphors (e.g., wheelchair bound or confined to a wheelchair), that uses excessive and negative labels (e.g., AIDS victim, brain damaged), or that can be regarded as a slur (e.g., cripple, invalid). Use people-first language, and do not focus on the individual's disabling or chronic condition (e.g., person with paraplegia, youth with autism). Also use people-first language to describe groups of people with disabilities. For instance, say people with intellectual disabilities in contrast to the retarded (University of Kansas, Research and Training Center on Independent Living, 2008).
Avoid euphemisms that are condescending when describing individuals with disabilities (e.g., special, physically challenged, handi-capable). Some people with disabilities consider these terms patronizing and offensive. When writing about populations with disabilities or participants, emphasize both capabilities and concerns to avoid reducing them to a "bundle of deficiencies" (Rappaport, 1977). Do not refer to individuals with disabilities as patients or cases unless the context is within a hospital or clinical setting.
viernes, 11 de mayo de 2018
Algunos consejos sobre el uso del atributo title
Muy interesante el artículo The Trials and Tribulations of the Title Attribute.
El primer consejo es "no uses el atributo title". Pero si lo tienes que usar, o lo quieres usar aunque te digan que no lo debes usar, entonces lee este artículo para saber cómo usarlo correctamente.
El primer consejo es "no uses el atributo title". Pero si lo tienes que usar, o lo quieres usar aunque te digan que no lo debes usar, entonces lee este artículo para saber cómo usarlo correctamente.
miércoles, 9 de mayo de 2018
Global Accessibility Awareness Day el 17 de mayo
El próximo 17 de mayo se celebra el Global Accessibility Awareness Day:
El 17 de mayo, le invitamos a participar en el Día Mundial para Promover la Concienciación sobre la Accesibilidad Web, conocido en inglés como Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). Cuando hablamos de la accesibilidad Web nos referimos a el contenido, la navegación y la interacción. El propósito de este día es para hablar, pensar y aprender sobre la accesibilidad de las tecnologías digitales (web, software, dispositivos móviles, etc.) y los diferente tipos de usuarios, incluyendo las personas con discapacidades. La audiencia que queremos atraer para GAAD son las comunidades de diseño, desarrollo, usabilidad y también los que crean, dan forma, apoyan financieramente e influencian la industria de tecnología y su uso. Aunque una persona este interesada en el tema de hacer la tecnología mas accesible y usable para las personas con discapacidades, la realidad es que muchas veces no saben como y donde comenzar. El conomocimento sobra la accesibilidad Web es el primer paso.
martes, 8 de mayo de 2018
Uso de Twitter con la vista
Muy interesante el siguiente vídeo que muestra cómo se puede utilizar Twitter con la vista, creo que el sistema que emplea es Irisbond:
— Alberto Moreno (@albertopajariyo) 27 de abril de 2018
lunes, 7 de mayo de 2018
Fecha para la próxima normativa sobre accesibilidad de la Unión Europea
En EU Directive on the Accessibility of Public Sector Websites and Mobile Applications podemos leer que la directiva de la Unión Europea que obliga a los estados miembros a asegurar que sus sitios web y sus aplicaciones son accesibles se debe trasponer a la legislación de cada país hasta el 23 se septiembre de 2018:
The European Union (EU) Directive on the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications requires EU member states to make sure their websites and mobile apps meet common accessibility standards. The Directive will be transposed into the laws of each EU member state by September 23 2018.
The Directive uses the four principles of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, requiring that public sector organisations across the EU take steps to make sure their websites are “Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust”.
The Directive references EN 301 549 as the standard which will enable websites and apps to comply with the law. EN 301 549 is a set of Functional Accessibility requirements broken down into chapters, and chapter 9 on Web Content cites WCAG 2.0 Level AA as the expected standard.
The W3C is close to publishing WCAG 2.1, an update to WCAG 2.0 that introduces many Success Criteria (SC) focused on mobile apps, as well as SC relating to low vision and cognitive disability. The W3C anticipates that WCAG 2.1 will be released in June 2018, and EN 301 549 could be updated to include the new SC introduced in WCAG 2.1.
Once adopted into the laws of each EU member state, the Directive sets a timetable for compliance with the new regulations:
In order to comply with the Directive, public sector organisations will need to monitor the accessibility of their websites and mobile apps, make information from the monitoring available in an accessibility statement, and provide reports to a central authority. These requirements mean that many EU public sector organisations will need to rethink their accessibility strategy in the coming months if they are to be ready when the Directive comes into effect on September 23 2018.
The European Union (EU) Directive on the Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications requires EU member states to make sure their websites and mobile apps meet common accessibility standards. The Directive will be transposed into the laws of each EU member state by September 23 2018.
The Directive uses the four principles of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, requiring that public sector organisations across the EU take steps to make sure their websites are “Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust”.
The Directive references EN 301 549 as the standard which will enable websites and apps to comply with the law. EN 301 549 is a set of Functional Accessibility requirements broken down into chapters, and chapter 9 on Web Content cites WCAG 2.0 Level AA as the expected standard.
The W3C is close to publishing WCAG 2.1, an update to WCAG 2.0 that introduces many Success Criteria (SC) focused on mobile apps, as well as SC relating to low vision and cognitive disability. The W3C anticipates that WCAG 2.1 will be released in June 2018, and EN 301 549 could be updated to include the new SC introduced in WCAG 2.1.
Once adopted into the laws of each EU member state, the Directive sets a timetable for compliance with the new regulations:
- New public sector websites must conform by September 23 2019
- All public sector websites by September 23 2020
- All public sector mobile apps by June 23 2021
In order to comply with the Directive, public sector organisations will need to monitor the accessibility of their websites and mobile apps, make information from the monitoring available in an accessibility statement, and provide reports to a central authority. These requirements mean that many EU public sector organisations will need to rethink their accessibility strategy in the coming months if they are to be ready when the Directive comes into effect on September 23 2018.
viernes, 4 de mayo de 2018
Estadísticas de discapacidad en Estados Unidos
No es reciente, es del año 2012, pero es la información más oficial y actualizada que existe: Nearly 1 in 5 People Have a Disability in the U.S., Census Bureau Reports. Este dato se basa en el censo realizado en EEUU en el año 2010. El censo se realiza cada 10 años, así que habrá que esperar un poco hasta el siguiente.
La nota de prensa dice:
La nota de prensa dice:
About 56.7 million people — 19 percent of the population — had a disability in 2010, according to a broad definition of disability, with more than half of them reporting the disability was severe, according to a comprehensive report on this population released today by the U.S. Census Bureau.
The report, Americans with Disabilities: 2010, presents estimates of disability status and type and is the first such report with analysis since the Census Bureau published statistics in a similar report about the 2005 population of people with disabilities. According to the report, the total number of people with a disability increased by 2.2 million over the period, but the percentage remained statistically unchanged. Both the number and percentage with a severe disability rose, however. Likewise, the number and percentage needing assistance also both increased.
The report shows that 41 percent of those age 21 to 64 with any disability were employed, compared with 79 percent of those with no disability. Along with the lower likelihood of having a job came the higher likelihood of experiencing persistent poverty; that is, continuous poverty over a 24-month period. Among people age 15 to 64 with severe disabilities, 10.8 percent experienced persistent poverty; the same was true for 4.9 percent of those with a nonsevere disability and 3.8 percent of those with no disability.
miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2018
La accesibilidad según las personas con discapacidad
En Accessibility according to actual people with disabilities se incluyen varias respuestas a la siguiente pregunta:
If you have a disability, what’s the hardest thing about browsing the web?
Las respuestas están agrupadas en:
If you have a disability, what’s the hardest thing about browsing the web?
Las respuestas están agrupadas en:
- Lack of captions.
- Motion, animations and cluttered pages.
- Wall of text.
- Small font size.
- Zooming problems.
- Low contrasts and image of text.
- Bright color schemes.
- Relying only on color.
- Mouse-focused sites.
- Too small touch-targets.
- Captchas.