Todo tipo de información sobre accesibilidad en la Web: errores de accesibilidad, ejemplos de páginas inaccesibles, noticias, software, hardware, productos de apoyo, consejos, pautas y guías de accesibilidad, WAI, WCAG, Norma EN 301 549, legislación, etc.
lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2022
lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2022
Canal Fundación ONCE en UNED
El Canal Fundación ONCE en UNED ofrece numerosos recursos sobre accesibilidad web. Algunos de los cursos que ofrece son:
- Materiales digitales accesibles (2021)
- Accesibilidad TIC en compras públicas (2021):
- Discapacidad y Defensa Legal Activa (4 octubre 2021)
- Accesibilidad en la atención a clientes (otoño 2021)
- Vivienda accesible (otoño 2021)
- Cómo formar en diseño para todas las personas UNED
viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2022
El criterio 4.1.1 quizás desaparezca de WCAG 2.2
En The 411 on 4.1.1 y en Deprecating SC 4.1.1 se comenta un posible cambio importante de WCAG 2.2:
There is a non-zero chance that WCAG Success Criterion 4.1.1 Parsing will go away in WCAG 2.2. This isn’t a problem for users, regardless of the problems it may pose for the WCAG process, ACT rules, automated testing tools, or ossified testing processes.
Today there are roughly three schools of thought on flagging 4.1.1 issues in a web review. The first is to only flag them when they impact users. The second is to log everything without defining the impact on users. The third is to move user-impacting issues under other Success Criteria that are a better fit (which is my approach). This post builds on the third approach.
lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2022
miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2022
Mejoras en Zoom y Microsoft Teams para soportar la lengua de señas
Starting with Zoom Meetings, there will be a new designation for Sign Language Interpretation. A host can select multiple participants in a meeting to speak through a sign language interpreter for those who need it. In turn, people can select which of the interpreters they want to watch.
Similar to a recent Zoom update, the new Sign Language View feature allows Microsoft Teams users to choose up to two other video feeds to be centered in the app, making sign language interpreters much more visible throughout the whole meeting.[...]Sign Language View can be enabled for all meetings or on a case-by-case. Interpreters who work in the same company as you can be pre-assigned before a meeting, something you can do via the Settings menu. This way, when you enter a meeting with an interpreter, the view will already be activated.Signers can be added mid-meeting with the “Manage signers” button found on the new Accessibility pane. Clicking the button allows you to designate a participant as an interpreter just by typing in their name. And through the pane, you can toggle both the Sign Language View and Live Captions mid-meeting, as well.
lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2022
Acuerdo en la denuncia por falta de accesibilidad en la University of California (UC), Berkeley
On November 21, 2022, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced a proposed consent decree with the University of California (UC), Berkeley, addressing alleged violations of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).A consent decree is a legal agreement to resolve a dispute without the admission of guilt or liability.UC Berkeley maintains an online library with thousands of hours of content that includes videos, podcasts, and free online courses. However, the Justice Department alleged that many of those materials weren’t accessible for people with disabilities — and under the Biden administration, the DOJ has stepped up enforcement of alleged ADA web accessibility violations.“By entering into this consent decree, UC Berkeley will make its content accessible to the many people with disabilities who want to participate in and access the same online educational opportunities provided to people without disabilities,” Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division said in a press release.
The DOJ cited missing alternative text, captions, and transcripts as major issues while also noting that some of the university’s content was “formatted in a way that does not allow individuals with disabilities to access the content using screen readers or other assistive technology.”Importantly, the alleged violations are not restricted to UC Berkeley’s official website. The DOJ’s press release notes that the consent decree — which requires court approval — will apply to all of the institution’s content, regardless of where that content is hosted.The three-and-a-half-year long agreement will apply to:
- All courses hosted on UC BerkeleyX, the university’s online learning platform.
- Video and podcast content, including media posted to YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and other third-party platforms.
- All UC Berkeley conferences, lectures, sporting events, and other events available to the public through the university’s website and other platforms.
UC Berkeley has also agreed to revise its policies, train personnel, designate a web accessibility coordinator, and hire independent auditors to evaluate the accessibility of its online content.
Más información en Berkeley (Finally) Agrees to Make Online Content Accessible.
viernes, 2 de diciembre de 2022
El Almanaque de la Web 2022
El Web Almanac 2022 contiene un resumen de los datos recogidos por el HTTP Archive. Este trabajo contiene 22 capítulos y el capítulo 11 está dedicado a la accesibilidad. Su contenido es:
Ease of reading
Color contrast
Zooming and scaling
Language identification
User preference
Forced colors mode
Focus indication
Focus styles
Heading hierarchy
Secondary navigation
Skip links
Document titles
<label> element
placeholder attribute
Requiring information
Media on the web
Audio and video
Assistive technology with ARIA
ARIA roles
Using the presentation role
Labeling elements with ARIA
Hiding content
Screen reader-only text
Dynamically-rendered content
Accessibility apps and overlays
Concerns with overlays