sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

Taller sobre interfaces accesibles con ARIA

Acabo de encontrar el taller More Accessible User Interfaces with ARIA que se impartirá el próximo martes 17 de noviembre. El taller lo impartirá Todd Kloots de Yahoo! y explicará cómo lograr, gracias a ARIA, que los controles y las interfaces ricas de usuario sean accesibles. En concreto, la noticia dice:
ARIA is a W3C specification that can be used to dramatically improve the accessibility of DHTML widgets and rich interaction patterns (like drag and drop). This talk provides practical tips and design patterns for using ARIA to create accessible user interfaces that work across all of the various combinations of browsers and assistive technology that support ARIA.
Additionally, this talk will focus on the tools and methodologies developers need to test ARIA in order to ensure the best possible user experience.

El taller es gratuito. ¿Lo malo? Que es en Londres.

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