sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011

Número especial de la revista IJKWI

El volumen 2, número 1, 2011, de la revista International Journal of Knowledge and Web Intelligence (IJKWI) es un número especial dedicado a la web para todos (Special Issue on Web For All). Los artículos publicados en este número son:
  • Metadata and information structure design on websites – towards a web for all
  • A weighted-graph-based approach for diversifying search results
  • The role of web in launching and using radio communication for public safety
  • Mainstreaming accessibility? Multidisciplinary problems or technical solutions
  • Online diagnosis e-health system for all, based on advanced web accessible database technologies
  • Testing the accessibility of websites
El acceso a los artículos online está restringido a suscripciones (es de pago), sólo está accesible el editorial. Pero sí que se pueden leer los resúmenes de los artículos de forma gratuita. Los dos más interesantes son:

Metadata and information structure design on websites – towards a web for all
When we transmit information through the internet, we would usually like it to reach many people. Our aim is for people to read it, to utilise it as a source, and to make use of it in their studies, e.g., in postgraduate courses, or in other fields of life. This article seeks to identify what elementary criteria our information source has to fulfil in order for search engines to find it, for users to consider it relevant and appropriate, and for it to meet the demands of users with disabilities. Only if these criteria are fulfilled does our website become really accessible. To promote this possibility, the article deals with the theoretical and practical dimensions of screen structure, data structure and metadata.

Testing the accessibility of websites
The current development of the internet and its growing use makes it necessary to satisfy the needs of all users including those with disabilities having accessibility problems. We developed a new validator software (XValid) based on the WCAG 2.0. We tested 18 countries' sites in 15 categories approximately 500 sites, with XValid. We made a statistical analysis based on our test. We determined the most frequently occurring errors based on these statistics. We took into account these typical errors, when we determined our minimal guidelines in ten points. People with disabilities could reach the internet barrier free if the web designer would test his/her design using our recommendations. The problem will be more and more important because the population of Europe will become older and older. This population needs accessible internet. Therefore it is very important to be prepared to cope with this problem now!

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