sábado, 11 de mayo de 2013

Dos nuevas denuncias en Estados Unidos

Esta vez son denuncias de empleados contra sus empresas: Antother Employee Accessibility Lawsuit: What HR Staff Need to Know.

Por un lado está la denuncia de Michael Leiterman contra Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection por desplegar software y tecnología inaccesible que le impide realizar su trabajo y que ha impedido su promoción en la escala laboral.

Por otro lado, está la denuncia Ali Faraj contra la cadena de hoteles Marriott. El problema es que Ali usa un lector de pantallas y no le dejan promocionar porque no podría usar Siebel CRM, un software de Oracle. En la nota de prensa de esta denuncia se puede leer:
The lawsuit alleges that there are nondiscriminatory alternatives to Marriott’s current software system, including replacing Siebel CRM with alternative, JAWS-accessible SFA software, updating and upgrading the existing Seibel CRM software to make it JAWS-accessible system-wide, and adding individualized modifications or scripts to the existing Seibel CRM software to make it JAWS-accessible to particular individuals. 
“Marriott contends that it would cost more than $1,000,000 to fix the problems,” said Timothy Elder, a principle of TRE Legal and an attorney for Mr. Faraj. “That is just not the case. One solution would cost less than $50,000 and would open up competitive employment opportunities for many blind and disabled Marriott workers.

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