martes, 18 de junio de 2013

Diseño adaptable y accesibilidad

Hace unas semanas publiqué una entrada sobre cómo desactivar el diseño web adaptable, ya que puede causar problemas de uso entre algunos usuarios. Por tanto, puede suponer un problema de accesibilidad.

En Responsive Web Design and Accessibility, varios expertos discuten sobre cómo encajan el diseño web adaptable y la accesibilidad. Algunas de las frases que se destacan en esta discusión:
Both responsive Web design and accessibility are ways of making a site flexible. 
Responsive Web design and accessibility are very complementary, but … doing responsive design does notmean that you automatically have an accessible site or application and vice versa.
Responsive design and accessibility are orthogonal. You can have accessible sites that aren’t responsive. You can have responsive sites that aren’t accessible. 
As responsible Web designers, we should be building Web sites in such a way that people using accessibility technologies are able to have a coherent user experience. 
Creating Web sites that work with different devices is … a good start for accessibility. 
Both responsive Web design and accessibility rely on coding a site to standards. “This includes separating the content from the display rules.

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