sábado, 8 de junio de 2013

Vuelve el atributo longdesc a Firefox

Hace unos meses avisé que el atributo longdesc volvía a HTML5, aunque no de forma directa, sino a través de una extensión.

Ahora, uno de los miembros del equipo de desarrollo de Firefox ha publicado otro anuncio muy bueno: After further looking into this, we've decided to support the longdesc attribute in Firefox.

El anuncio completo dice:
After further looking into this, we've decided to support the longdesc attribute in Firefox.

While we've considered longdesc in the past, the landscape has changed and there are reasons to support it now. For one, the W3C validator now supports it, making it more likely to be supported across browsers. Authors who want to make pages accessible may not be able to rely on longdesc on any browser, but there isn't presently another standardized option available. And, importantly, it can be implemented without disrupting the user experience of users who don't require it. Underscoring all of this is that the Mozilla project is a community, and our actions must reflect the needs and wants of the community.

There is a chicken and egg issue here, as Alastair notes in comment 20. Supporting longdesc means that the door to wider adoption is open, and perhaps authors will surprise us with innovative uses of this attribute once they feel freer to do so. And, perhaps in time better solutions to some of the problems longdesc tackles will emerge. While we'll always be open to browser improvements, particularly in the accessibility space, we shouldn't ignore a ready solution because it's not perfect.
Y justo hace unos días, el 6 de junio, se publicó una nueva versión de HTML5 Image Description Extension. Poco a poco se acerca más al "last call" para por fin llegar al nivel de "recommendation".

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