lunes, 1 de julio de 2013

Cómo elegir una herramienta automática de evaluación de la accesibilidad

Hace unos días, Karl Groves publicó en su blog el artículo Choosing an Automated Accessibility Testing Tool: 13 Questions you should ask. En este artículo explica 13 preguntas/factores que hay que tener en cuenta a la hora de elegir una herramienta automática de evaluación de la accesibilidad:

  1. Is the tool user-friendly?
  2. Does the tool provide high quality, reliable results?
  3. Is the tool capable of testing the DOM?
  4. Does it offer the ability to spider?
  5. Does it offer the ability to test uploaded files and/ or source code entered directly?
  6. Does it offer the ability to perform continuous monitoring?
  7. Is the tool configurable so that it does not re-test pages which have not changed?
  8. Does it provide clear, easy to understand manual test guidance?
  9. Can the tool be configured to support the specific testing needs of the organization?
  10. Is the tool capable of reporting results in a way that separates common issues from unique ones?
  11. Can it integrate with existing QA tools and processes?
  12. Does it support the accessibility standards your organization has committed to supporting?
  13. Does it offer direct access to modify or extend test logic?

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