lunes, 13 de enero de 2014

Evaluación de la accesibilidad de un sitio web

Aunque es del año 2006, sigue siendo interesante la propuesta de evaluación de la accesibilidad de sitios web que se publicó en 456 BereaSt: Evaluating website accessibility.

Cada una de las técnicas que incluye el método está descrita en un artículo independiente:
  1. Evaluating website accessibility part 1, Background and Preparation provides a bit of background and suggests some useful tools for the evaluation process.
    1. Background
    2. Preparation: install some tools
  2. Evaluating website accessibility part 2, Basic Checkpoints explains accessibility aspects that can be tested with automated tools as well as some relatively easy manual checks.
    1. Validate HTML and CSS
    2. No frames, please
    3. Automated accessibility checking tools
    4. Images and alternative text
    5. Make sure that JavaScript is unobtrusive
    6. Increase text size
    7. Look for semantic markup
    8. Disable CSS
    9. Use Fangs to emulate a screen reader
  3. Evaluating website accessibility part 3, Digging Deeper takes a look at things that are difficult to test with automated tools and require more time and/or experience to evaluate manually.
    1. Colour contrast
    2. Document titles
    3. Link text
    4. Non HTML formats
    5. Platform discrimination
    6. Keyboard navigation
    7. Data tables
    8. Form controls and labels
    9. Use a screen reader
    10. Don’t overlook the content
    11. Further reading

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