martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

Entrevista con Steve Faulkner

Steve Faulkner es uno de los gurús internacionales de la accesibilidad web. Además, es el editor de la recomendación de HTML5 del W3C.

El año pasado ya publiqué una nota sobre una entrevista que le hizo Bruce Lawson: Entrevista de Bruce Lawson a Steve Faulkner,

Hace unas semanas se publicó una nueva entrevista: Coding Accessibility: An interview with Steve Faulkner. Destaco sus últimos comentarios al final de la entrevista:
But he also sees the need for a change in mindset in how designers build websites and applications. “You tend to find back-end coders developing front-ends without understanding what makes a user interface usable, let alone accessible.” This is because project efforts often focus on the business transactions that occur on the back end, with little thought given to the user interface. “HTML development is often seen as monkey work that’s given to junior developers, or given to back-end developers who tack the front end on, and they don’t understand how to develop a user interface correctly, they don’t understand how to use HTML correctly, and then you see applications built without semantics.” 
On the design end, Steve urges designers to understand that design elements are not just “pixels on a page,” but rather semantic containers for information described in code. “I don’t think designers need to know how to code. They do need to understand that there’s a give and take between what can be done given the requirement to actually code.” 
Overall, he believes that project teams must include user interface expertise. “What’s needed is the realization within a team of the value of having people who understand usable UI design and can bring it to fruition using the code.”

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