jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014

Accesibilidad en Drupal

Según el artículo WAI-ARIA, Requiring Alt Text, and Other Accessibility Features Now in Drupal 8, parece que las características de accesibilidad de Drupal han mejorado considerablemente.

En la página Drupal 8 features - Accessibility se puede leer:

Drupal 8 has added extensive support for standard accessibility technologies including WAI-ARIA and have been working to provide more semantic HTML5. With the ARIA Live Announcements API and TabManager, Drupal 8 provides centralized control for rich Internet applications. Many small improvements have been made in color contrast, and font sizes, and the system will leverage jQuery UI's autocomplete and modal dialogs. Views is now in Core; both the output and Views UI are now much more accessible. To provide visitors with an optimal experience, site admins can also require entry of alternative text for all images.

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