lunes, 17 de julio de 2017

Primera sentencia basada en ADA por un sitio web no accesible

Según la noticia A court verdict raises the pressure for website accessibility, parece que en Estados Unidos se ha dictado la primera sentencia condenatoria por un sitio web no accesible:
Last month, a federal judge in Florida issued a verdict in favor of a Winn-Dixie customer who had sued the grocery chain, claiming it violated the Americans With Disabilities Act because its websites were not accessible to blind and vision-impaired users. Although there have been pretrial court rulings and settlements in previous cases, this is believed to be the first trial verdict in a website ADA lawsuit.
Como dice ahí, parece que esta es la primera sentencia de verdad, los casos anteriores se resolvieron antes de que acabase el juicio.

La condena obliga al demandado a implementar las medidas necesarias para que el sitio web sea accesible:
The judge ordered Winn-Dixie to implement an accessibility policy that meets current standards, to train employees who do site development work, and to test the site regularly to ensure it remains accessible.

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