lunes, 9 de abril de 2018

Cómo realizar un estudio de usabilidad para analizar la accesibilidad

Nielsen Norman Group, la empresa de los dos guruses de la usabilidad, ofrece la guía How to Conduct Usability Studies for Accessibility. Lástima que sea de pago, la licencia individual cuesta $82.

Los temas que cubre son:
  • Learn how to adapt standard usability testing practices to accommodate people with disabilities
  • Testing for accessibility and usability throughout the project lifecycle
  • How we conducted our accessibility studies
  • Supplement the general guidelines with empirical tests of your own design with your own users
  • Trust, consent forms, pictures, and video
  • Using video and still cameras
  • Conducting studies at the user's home or office
  • Screen reader and braille sessions
  • Motor skill assistive technology sessions
  • Recruiting and preparing participants
  • Quantitative and qualitative study tips
  • Metrics to collect
  • Sample documents for accessibility studies
  • Recruiting screener used in the quantitative part of the study
  • Checklist used in the quantitative part of the study
  • Facilitation notes used in the quantitative part of the study
  • Question sheet used in the quantitative part of the study
  • Consent forms

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