lunes, 25 de febrero de 2019

Errores de accesibilidad en el sitio web de Apple

En How to learn from Apple's mistakes on website accessibility se explican algunos errores de accesibilidad del sitio web de Apple:
There were multiple difficulties noted. The key issues were:
  • Insufficiently labelled input fields (meaning screenreaders are left unsure of what information is needed in the boxes they're asked to enter information into)
  • Links with identical text, that lead to different locations. While this is not a failure of WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines), it is not good practise.
  • Dynamic content not made accessible to screenreader users, e.g. auto-suggest search results

Further difficulties noted in the complaint were:
  • Unable to browse and purchase electronics such as the iPhone, iPad, and MacBook Pro laptop
  • Inability to make service appointments online
  • Trouble finding a store

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