miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2020

Aniversario del primer acuerdo para crear un sitio web accesible en EEUU

Según se explica en The First U.S. Web Accessibility Agreement was Signed Twenty Years Ago this Week, el 14 de marzo de 2000 se firmó el primer acuerdo para que un sitio web, el sitio web de Bank of America, fuese accesible:
Twenty years ago this week (on March 14, 2000) Bank of America became the first company in the United States to sign an agreement to make its website accessible to people with disabilities. The agreement referenced the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 1.0 at a time when the standard was less than one year old.
Y el acuerdo decía:
4. Web Accessibility
Bank of America will use its best efforts to design each page of the Model Bank Target Web Environment so that it complies with Priorities One and Two of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines found at www.w3c.org, or so that it is otherwise accessible to Persons with Vision Impairments.

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