viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2020

16 cosas que se pueden hacer para mejorar la accesibilidad de un sitio web

16 Things to Improve Your Website Accessibility está escrito por Bruce Lawson, un gurú de la accesibilidad web.

Las 16 cosas que propone son:

1) Too Much Content
In brief: break up text into sections with headings and bulleted lists. Use simple language.

In brief: don’t make your users jump through potentially impossible hoops in order to save developer time.

3) Poor Legibility
In brief: make sure text has adequate contrast, is readable and isn’t justified.

4) Distracting Images and Graphics
In brief: allow users to stop any movement; respect their operating system settings; don’t auto-play video.

5) Poor Link Information
In brief: make links identifiable, with unique link text. Warn users if a link will open a new tab or a file.

6) Another Design Error: Removing the Focus Ring
In brief: make sure a keyboard user can always see where they are currently focused.

7) Form Filling
In brief: design form fields that look like form fields, each associated with a label. Don’t disable auto-fill.

8) Provide Text Alternatives for All Images, Video, and Audio
In brief: any information communicated through an image or video must have a textual equivalent.

9) Add Proper Document Language
In brief: let assistive technology know the language that your text is in.

10) Help a Visitor Get Around Your Content
In brief: use HTML landmark elements to help assistive technology users understand and navigate your content.

11) Use HTML Properly
In brief: understand the semantics and default behaviors of HTML elements; use the right element for your content.

12) Complex Interactions
In brief: Use ARIA only when a native semantic doesn’t exist; use the design patterns and code suggested by W3C.

13) Frameworks
In brief: frameworks aren’t inherently inaccessible if you choose your components wisely.

14) Content Management Systems and Site Builders
In brief: choose CMS and Site Builder themes carefully.

15) PDF
In brief: PDFs can be made accessible. Make sure your PDFs are so.

16) Keep Testing
In brief: test! With real people, if you can.

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