lunes, 7 de marzo de 2022

El coste adicional de la accesibilidad

En el artículo The real added costs of accessibility se analiza algunos argumentos sobre el coste adicional que supone incorporar la accesibilidad en un desarrollo:

For many years, I’ve seen repeated – and have myself repeated – the idea that an accessible website is not more expensive. That idea comes with a notable caveat. That caveat, to sum it up, is that it is not more accessible to build an accessible website from scratch than it is to build an inaccessible site from scratch.

Building from scratch. When was the last time you built a website from scratch? What does it mean, in 2022, to build a website from scratch? Is it realistic, for the average business owner, to even consider this option?

Obviously, building from scratch comes in different flavors. If you bake a cake from scratch, you are not expected to mill the flour yourself, milk your own cows, or raise your own chickens. There are always components you’re receiving from third party sources.

As a result, the accessibility of your site is conditional on the quality of components you’re using in your project.

So component choice is an enormous factor in the accessibility of the end product.

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