viernes, 5 de enero de 2024

Los mejores productos accesibles del 2023

En The best accessible-tech products from 2023 se destacan varios productos tecnológicos para mejorar la accesibilidad. El año 2023 también ha sido el año de la inteligencia artificial y me ha llamado esto que se cuenta:
Giphy helped to further democratize internet culture by partnering with digital accessibility provider Scribely to write expressive alt-text descriptions for its most frequently shared GIFs. Rather than relying on AI to generate the content, Scribely enlisted a team of about 15 writers well-versed in accessibility, pop culture, and creative writing to add alt-text to more than 10,000 GIFs in the first phase of the initiative. While opting for human-generated descriptions that might take longer to scale, the nuances of describing memes or humor in general cannot be replicated by a bot. Giphy and Scribely also plan to run a pilot program to integrate descriptive text within a GIF’s metadata, enabling it to accompany the file across various platforms such as Microsoft, Google, and Apple workplace software. 

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