
miércoles, 31 de julio de 2024

lunes, 29 de julio de 2024

Cómo escribir enlaces que sean accesibles para todos

En How to Build on Basic Principles of Link Accessibility: In-depth StrategiesHow to Build on Basic Principles of Link Accessibility: In-depth Strategies se proporciona una buena explicación sobre cómo escribir enlaces que sean accesibles para todos:
Hypertext links, also known as hyperlinks, are the connective strands that form the web. They take us from one webpage to another, giving us access to a wide range of information, services, and experiences. However, we often forget to think about link accessibility.

Links are important for individuals of all abilities, including those who depend on screen readers or keyboard navigation. When used effectively, links can improve the browsing experience for everyone. However, if overlooked, they can create obstacles that reduce accessibility and usability.

miércoles, 24 de julio de 2024

lunes, 22 de julio de 2024

Barreras que se crean cuando se usa mal ARIA para mejorar la accesibilidad

En Best intention barriers (ARIA edition) se indican varias barreras que se crean cuando se usa mal ARIA para mejorar la accesibilidad:
  • Adding aria-label as some form of accessible description
  • Adding an ARIA Role is enough, or: Adding ARIA implements functionality
  • Roles that are not what you think they are

lunes, 15 de julio de 2024

Muy poco contraste

Mis ojos no pueden creen lo que no ven. Ahí se supone que pone SERVICIOS:

miércoles, 10 de julio de 2024

Otra opinión (negativa) sobre las capas de accesibilidad

En Accessibility overlays are not for disabled people:

An accessibility overlay (or accessibility widget) is one of those wee icon-only buttons you sometimes see floating over a web page; usually in the bottom-right corner. When you press them, they give you a bunch of options to make the website ‘more accessible’.

Why did I use inverted commas? Well, they profess to make a website more accessible, but do little-to-nothing of any real use; in fact, they can actually hinder a disabled user’s experience of a website!


Accessibility overlays are for non-disabled people by non-disabled people. The only way to properly address accessibility issues is at the product development level: carefully considered designs and well written code. Adding a single line of JavaScript to your website or app is not the answer.

lunes, 8 de julio de 2024

viernes, 5 de julio de 2024

miércoles, 3 de julio de 2024

Can Everyone Use

Can Everyone Use es un intento de listado de componentes web en el que se detalle su nivel de accesibilidad. La idea está muy bien, pero por ahora le faltan muchos componentes para ser realmente una herramienta útil.

lunes, 1 de julio de 2024

¿Las capas de accesibilidad sirven para algo?

Según la tesis de maestría  The Impact of Web Accessibility Overlays on the Usability and User Experience for People with Permanent Visual Impairments, realizada en el marco del Master's Programme in Digital Service Innovation de la Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, parece que las capas de accesibilidad no ayudan, sino todo lo contrario:

The research shows that accessibility overlays, in their current form, do not effectively improve the usability or UX for individuals with permanent visual impairments. Although there is a slight improvement when users are unaware of the overlay’s presence, overall, UX and usability are considered marginal at best and deteriorate upon recognition and interaction with an accessibility overlay. Furthermore, the research displays that accessibility overlays in their current form cannot meet WCAG 2.1 AA standards. The study also finds that users with permanent visual impairments are generally hesitant to engage with accessibility overlays and prefer to rely on their existing access technologies. However, they are willing to use accessibility overlays under improved conditions, which are discussed in the thesis. The empirical knowledge gained guides future technology, designs, policies, and research to create a more inclusive digital world.