
lunes, 31 de enero de 2022

Cinco tendencias de accesibilidad web para el año 2022

En Five 2022 accessibility trends se comentan:

  • Prediction #1: The web will slowly continue to become more accessible
  • Prediction #2: Digital accessibility lawsuits will continue to increase
  • Prediction #3: More verdicts and settlement agreements will start to put the brakes on the use of accessibility overlays/plugins/tools/widgets
  • Prediction #4: WCAG 2.2 will become the new standard most private sector companies use to determine whether or not something is accessible
  • Prediction #5: Larger companies want to get a head start on WCAG 3.0

viernes, 28 de enero de 2022

miércoles, 26 de enero de 2022

Consejos para realizar pruebas de usabilidad con personas con discapacidad

En Moderating usability testing with people with disabilities se proporcionan los siguientes consejos:

  • Take your time
  • Be flexible
  • Use your problem-solving skills
  • Be respectful

lunes, 24 de enero de 2022

El Programa Kit Digital exige cumplir con las pautas de accesibilidad

 En el BOE del pasado 30 de diciembre se publicó la Orden ETD/1498/2021, de 29 de diciembre, por la que se aprueban las bases reguladoras de la concesión de ayudas para la digitalización de pequeñas empresas, microempresas y personas en situación de autoempleo, en el marco de la Agenda España Digital 2025, el Plan de Digitalización PYMEs 2021-2025 y el Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia de España -Financiado por la Unión Europea- Next Generation EU (Programa Kit Digital). El artículo 1 define el objeto del programa:

Constituye el objeto de esta Orden el establecimiento de las bases reguladoras para la concesión de las ayudas mediante las que se ejecuta el Programa Kit Digital para la digitalización de pequeñas empresas, microempresas y personas en situación de autoempleo (en adelante, Programa), que tiene por objeto la adopción de soluciones de digitalización incluidas en el Catálogo de Soluciones de Digitalización del Programa.

En la categoría de solución de digitalización "Sitio web y presencia en internet" y "Comercio electrónico", se incluye en el apartado "Funcionalidades y servicios":

Accesibilidad: el diseño debe cumplir con criterios de conformidad de nivel AA de las Pautas WCAG-2.1.

viernes, 21 de enero de 2022

Encuesta de IAAP sobre las capas de accesibilidad

Me ha llegado un correo de International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) para participar en una encuesta sobre las capas de accesibilidad.

El correo dice:

We are fully aware of the concerns regarding false advertising and deceptive marketing issues by some overlay vendors and the dangers that they may present.

IAAP does not support vendors making false claims or participating in deceptive marketing on or about their own or others’ products and services.

The IAAP Overlays Task Force is currently conducting due diligence on the issue to determine IAAP’s course of action considering experts’ advice and members’ perspectives.

As an association IAAP follows antitrust compliance protocol and best practices, which include:
  • Ethics codes should never be created or used to exclude competitors from the market
  • Associations should document all complaints or concerns about the code and resolve them as appropriate
  • Ethics code should be clear and unambiguous, reasonable, fair, and objective and
  • Associations should maintain strict confidentiality with respect to all adverse allegations, complaints, actions, and proceedings.
IAAP is not in the job of censorship or lobbying. Our mission is to expand the accessibility profession through certification, education, and networking. However, IAAP’s leadership recognizes the importance of the role and trust we play as a unified voice for our members. We take this very seriously.

Our goal is to be part of the solution. With that in mind, IAAP’s Task Force of volunteer council members has been working over the last three-month interviewing, reviewing association protocol, and collecting data from members and non-members. The Overlay Task Force will submit its findings to the IAAP Global Leadership Council on February 17th and then follow up with approved next steps including a:
  • an organization position statement from IAAP
  • review and revision of IAAP’s code of conduct terms
  • review process of organization members with alleged false claims
  • awareness and education plan around overlay

miércoles, 19 de enero de 2022

Ver el texto alternativo de una imagen en un teléfono móvil Android

Cuando se pulsa y mantiene pulsada una imagen en el navegador Google Chrome en Android, aparece un cuadro de diálogo con información sobre la imagen y varias acciones que se pueden realizar. En la información de la imagen se puede ver el texto alternativo que tenga definida la imagen.

Captura de pantalla de teléfono Android

lunes, 17 de enero de 2022

lunes, 10 de enero de 2022

Cómo hacer que los botones deshabilitados sean más inclusivos

 Excelente análisis en Making Disabled Buttons More Inclusive:

The disabled attribute in <button> is a peculiar case where, although highly known by the community, it might not be the best approach to solve a particular problem. Don’t get me wrong because I’m not saying disabled is always bad. There are still some cases where it still makes sense to use it (e.g. pagination).

To be honest, I don’t see the disabled attribute exactly as an accessibility issue. What concerns me is more of a usability issue. By swapping the disabled attribute with aria-disabled, we can make someone’s experience much more enjoyable.

This is yet one more step into my journey on web accessibility. Over the years, I’ve discovered that accessibility is much more than complying with web standards. Dealing with user experiences is tricky and most situations require making trade-offs and compromises in how we approach a solution. There’s no silver bullet for perfect accessibility.

Our duty as web creators is to look for and understand the different solutions that are available. Only then we can make the best possible choice. There’s no sense in pretending the problems don’t exist.

At the end of the day, remember that there’s nothing preventing you from making the web a more inclusive place.

lunes, 3 de enero de 2022

Todavía falta para WCAG 3

¿W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 3.0 se puede usar ya?

No, ahora mismo solo existe un "working draft" y falta bastante hasta que sea una recomendación, un documento definitivo.

En WCAG 3 is not ready yet: And it won’t be for quite some time se avisa de ello:

In the last couple of weeks, more and more people point at the WCAG 3.0 Working Draft and recommend the adoption of aspects from it that suit their needs.


In general, web technologies are very good citizens to early adopters like me: They usually come with suitable fallbacks that allow you to use, for example, animations and transitions in 2009 with the fallback of no animation for browsers without support.

With guidelines like WCAG 2.1 and 2.2 (to be released later), the same approach is true. If you use WCAG 2.2 Success Criteria now, the Guidelines are built to be backwards compatible. So you will never break a 2.0 or 2.1 audit by using it.

But WCAG 3 breaks backwards compatibility. This is a conscious move to better adapt the standard to serve different disabilities which WCAG 2 did not sufficiently cover, due to its structure.

That means that WCAG 3 will probably have a different scoring system that does not necessarily overlap with WCAG 2. As far as I know – and my involvement was some time ago – the current plan is to make sure all WCAG 2 conforming pages conform to WCAG 3, too, in some form. They will not in reverse.