Todo tipo de información sobre accesibilidad en la Web: errores de accesibilidad, ejemplos de páginas inaccesibles, noticias, software, hardware, ayudas técnicas, tecnologías de apoyo, consejos, pautas y guías de accesibilidad, WAI, WCAG, Norma UNE 139803:2004, legislación, etc.
lunes, 28 de diciembre de 2020
lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2020
Maquetación de páginas web para lectores de pantalla
It’s easy to think about a layout as being a primarily visual concern. The header goes up top, the sidebar is over here, the call to action is in an overlay on top of the content (just kidding). Grids, borders, spacing and color all portray valuable visual data, but if these hints to the structure of a page are only visible, some users may find your content unintelligible.
You can experience this first hand if you try using a screen reader on the web. When I fired up VoiceOver on my Mac and took it out for a test drive, I realized that to a screen reader user, a lot pages are just a big heap of ‘content’, missing helpful organizational cues.
The experience can be kind of like listening to a long rambling story without any indication to what details are important or related to the main thread of the story. Halfway through the story, you aren’t sure whether it’s worth it to keep listening because you don’t know if you’ll even find what it is you’re looking for. In the context of a website, your screen reader might be halfway through reading you a list of 50 sidebar links when you start wondering if there is any valuable content on the site at all.
Experiences like this are caused by websites that are built with layouts that are only visual. Ideally, however, our visual layouts should point to an underlying organizational model of our content. They should be visual indicators for a conceptual model. The visual indicators are just one way of revealing this model. The Web Accessibility Initiative’s ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) project provides alternative indicators to users who may need them.
I’ll walk through how to make use of these indicators to make a simple web page easy to use, navigate and read for users of assistive technology. All the example code is available on github.
lunes, 14 de diciembre de 2020
DIferentes tipos de auditoría de accesibilidad
En What to look for in an accessibility audit explican los diferentes tipos de auditoría que existen:
- Level-of-effort (LOE) Audit: A report which estimates the magnitude and cost of an accessibility remediation project. The report includes the number of pages to fix and the number of defects on each page.
- Risk Audit: Identifies severe and critical blockers that users with disabilities would encounter. This report does not include remediation recommendations.
- Detailed Audit: Identifies improvement based on the client’s preferred standards (WCAG 2.0 A/AA, WCAG 2.1 A/AA, or Section 508) using automated and manual testing that covers the scope of the client’s choosing. This report provides remediation recommendations.
- Detailed audits are also available for specific regulations or technologies – such as CVAA, Kiosks, and native mobile apps.
- Screen Reader Acceptance Testing: Experts will test a task/use case/user flow for assistive technology/browser/OS version combinations of the client’s choosing and provide a rating on a scale of difficulty or failure.
- Validation Audit: Performed on a web page, set of web pages, or applications that have previously undergone an audit by Deque. Validation audits may also be done on mobile apps or PDFs too.
- Usability Testing: Accessibility (conformation to WCAG or Section 508) does not always lead to usability. Usability testing reveals what’s usable to people with disabilities.
- Accessibility Conformance Statements: A Conformance Statement is a document from a trusted third party that details the level of accessibility for your organization’s website or application.
- Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPATs): A procurement report required for selling web-based software to the US Federal Government under Section 508.
- Design Audits: A Design Comp Accessibility Annotation (DCAA), is a markup of UX and UI wireframes and comprehensive designs (comps) with accessibility requirements for developers.
miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2020
Descripciones largas en Google Chrome
Google Chrome permite generar de forma automática la descripción de una imagen que no tenga un texto alternativo, tal como podemos leer en Obtener descripciones de imágenes en Chrome.
Según se explica en Using AI to give people who are blind the “full picture”, parece que esta función se añadió en octubre 2019.
lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2020
Aviso de vídeo que puede provocar epilepsia por fotosensibilidad
El vídeo CYBERTRUCK vs F150 │ The REAL 1:64 STORY tiene el siguiente aviso al principio:
Aquí está el vídeo, para el que quiera probar:
jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2020
Día Internacional de las Personas con Discapacidad
Hoy 3 de diciembre se celebra el Día Internacional de las Personas con Discapacidad:
El Día Internacional de las Personas con Discapadidad fue declarado en 1992 por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas mediante la resolución 47/3. El objetivo es promover los derechos y el bienestar de las personas con discapacidades en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad y el desarrollo, así como concienciar sobre su situación en todos los aspectos de la vida política, social, económica y cultural.