
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Herramientas revisión. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Herramientas revisión. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 14 de julio de 2021

Comparativa de herramientas de evaluación

En How do automated accessibility checkers compare? se muestra una comparativa de herramientas de evaluación de la accesibilidad web.

Según esta comparativa, las mejores herramientas son SortSite, Tenon, AChecker, WAVE y aXe. Esta comparativa está actualizada al 13 de abril de 2018.

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2020

Cuidado con las herramientas automáticas de revisión de la accesibilidad web

En Use Caution with Automated Tools that Promise 100% Accessibility Compliance se explica:
Automated accessibility testing tools, powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and code-scanning technology, can be an important part of an accessibility testing plan — but, they must remain just a part. Automated testing on its own should not replace manual testing by an accessibility expert and should not be used as the only way to show compliance.
Y avisa del peligro del texto alternativo generado de forma automática mediante inteligencia artificial:
As technology advances, there are even image-recognition programs that can with some accuracy guess what an image depicts and generate alt text. On one hand, it's incredible that this technology exists. On the other, it presents an additional layer of review required by human beings. The real purpose of an image in the context of a web page, the real feeling somebody is supposed to be exposed to, the real information conveyed by an image can't be decided by a machine — at least not yet.

lunes, 10 de agosto de 2020

La importancia de la revisión manual de la accesibilidad web

En The Importance Of Manual Accessibility Testing se analiza la importancia de realizar revisiones manuales de la accesibilidad web y no confiar ciegamente en las herramientas automáticas:
Automation really shines here. It can repeatedly and tirelessly pour over these details with perfect memory, at a rate far faster than any human is capable of.
Automated accessibility tests aren’t a turnkey solution, nor are they a silver bullet. There are some limitations to keep in mind when using them.

miércoles, 25 de diciembre de 2019


Asqatasun es una herramienta de evaluación de la accesibilidad web de software libre (open source). La descripción de la herramienta dice:
Asqatasun is the leading opensource software for web accessibility (#a11y) since 2007. Built with reliability in mind, it also addresses SEO concerns, and is extensible to any other domain.
Asqatasun provides a huge level of automation and can be included in Continuous Integration thanks to its Jenkins Plugin.

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019

ARC Toolkit

ARC Toolkit es una nueva herramienta de evaluación de la accesibilidad web, está disponible en forma de extensión para Google Chrome.

viernes, 9 de agosto de 2019

Accessibility Insights

Accessibility Insights es una herramienta automática de evaluación de la accesibilidad web de Microsoft:
Accessibility Insights for Web is an extension for Chrome and Microsoft Edge Insider that helps developers find and fix accessibility issues in web apps and sites.

The tool supports two primary scenarios:

  • FastPass is a lightweight, two-step process that helps developers identify common, high-impact accessibility issues in less than five minutes.
    • Automated checks - the tool automatically checks for compliance with approximately 50 accessibility requirements.
    • Tab stops - the tool provides clear instructions and a visual helper that makes it easy to identify critical accessibility issues related to keyboard access, such as missing tab stops, keyboard traps, and incorrect tab order.
  • Assessment allows anyone with HTML skills to verify that a web app or web site is 100% compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA.
    • Automated checks - the tool automatically checks for compliance with approximately 50 accessibility requirements.
    • Manual tests - the tool provides step-by-step instructions, examples, and how-to-fix guidance for approximately 20 tests; many tests are "assisted", which means that the tool identifies the test instances or provides a visual helper.

viernes, 7 de junio de 2019

No hay que confiar ciegamente en las herramientas automáticas de evaluación de la accesibilidad web

En Automated Lies, with one line of code se da una buena explicación de los problemas o de las cosas que no hacen las herramientas automáticas de evaluación de la accesibilidad web:
It should be universally understood that automated testing tools cannot offer complete test coverage for all possible accessibility issues on the web. Therefore it stands to reason that if you cannot automatically find all your site’s accessibility issues, you certainly cannot automatically fix all of them, either. This is extraordinarily simple logic. In fact, automatically fixing issues is even less likely to be successful than finding them. This fact is demonstrated within Mallet. While Mallet is extremely good at finding & fixing some issues, it is still limited to around 2-dozen types of ‘fixes’ that work on their own without any configuration. The remainder of Mallet’s fixes require some level of configuration. To put this into perspective, Tenon.io has approximately 200 accessibility tests that look for around 2500 different failure conditions. In other words, we can easily find at least 10x as many issues as we can reliably fix, because fixing the issues requires far more knowledge about the user interface than an automated tool has.
Y también dice:
 As always, it is important to remind the reader that there are limits to what can be discovered with automatic testing. It stands to reason that if you cannot automatically test for something you definitely cannot fix it, either.
  • Captions/ transcripts for audio-only content or audio content in videos.
  • Audio description for video content
  • Content that relies on sensory characteristics to understand
  • Audio control
  • Keyboard trap
  • Pause, Stop, Hide
  • Error prevention and error handling
  • Effective focus management
  • Reading level
The above is only a subset of the many things in web accessibility that cannot be accurately tested via automated means. Many of them are hugely impactful for people with disabilities.

miércoles, 5 de junio de 2019

Cómo construir un sitio web que sea 100% accesible y que realmente no lo sea

En Building the most inaccessible site possible with a perfect Lighthouse score desarrollan un ejercicio muy interesante: cómo crear un sitio web que sea lo más inaccesible posible pero que obtenga una puntuación perfecta en una herramienta automática de evaluación de la accesibilidad.

lunes, 29 de abril de 2019

Accessibility Insights

Accessibility Insights es una nueva herramienta de evaluación de la accesibilidad web lanzada por Microsoft.

Está disponible en forma de extensión para Google Chrome.

Y el siguiente vídeo explica su uso:

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

Comparativa de tres herramientas de evaluación de la accesibilidad web

En Comparing 3 Top Automated Accessibility Testing Tools: WAVE, Tenon.io, and Google Lighthouse, se comparan tres herramientas de evaluación automática de la accesibilidad web. La conclusión es:

The advantages and limitations of automated tools: a few examples

Automated Tools Will Suffice for the following:

  • Does the image have alt text?
  • Does the form field have a label and description?
  • Does the content have headings?
  • Is the HTML valid?
  • Does the application UI follow WCAG guideline X?

Human Intervention Is Required for the following:

  • Is the alt text accurate given the context?
  • Is the description easy to understand?
  • Do the headings represent the correct hierarchy?
  • Is the HTML semantic?
  • Does the application UI behave as expected?

While automated tools can discover many critical issues, there are even more issues that need human analysis. If there is a vague or misleading alt tag, that is just as bad from a usability standpoint as a missing alt tag, and an automated tool won’t catch it. You need someone to go through the site with a sharp and trained eye.

In the end, to fully test for accessibility issues, a combination of automated and manual testing is required. Automated testing tools provide a good starting point for testing, point to patterns of errors that humans can then look out for, and can catch issues before they go to production.

viernes, 31 de agosto de 2018


Mauve es una herramienta de revisión de la accesibilidad web de origen italiano.

He analizado con ella la accesibilidad de mi sitio web y me saca un error muy raro:

La técnica H50 no la conozco y no la encuentro en Techniques for WCAG 2.0. ¡Esa técnica no existe!

Existía en versiones anteriores: H50: Using map to group links. Pero eso de usar map para agrupar enlaces como un elemento de navegación nunca lo había visto. Así que, esta herramienta de evaluación automática de la accesibilidad web no sé si es de fiar.

viernes, 10 de agosto de 2018

Algunas herramientas de evaluación automática de la accesibilidad web

En Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List hay un listado actualizado de las herramientas automáticas de evaluación de la accesibilidad web. Algunas herramientas que acabo de descubrir son:

miércoles, 13 de diciembre de 2017

IBM AbilityLab Mobile Accessibility Checker

IBM AbilityLab Mobile Accessibility Checker es una herramienta que permite automatizar la evaluación de la accesibilidad de aplicaciones móviles para iOS y Android.

lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017

SortSite - Accessibility Checker and Validator

SortSite es una herramienta automática de evaluación de la accesibilidad web. Es una herramienta de pago que permite un uso gratuito limitado.

La forma de presentar los resultados del análisis es muy interesante:

lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

Koa11y, herramienta para evaluar la accesibilidad web

Koa11y es una herramienta automática de revisión de la accesibilidad web. Está disponible para Windows, Linux y MacOS X.

Un vídeo sobre su uso:

miércoles, 16 de agosto de 2017

IBM Dynamic Assessment Plugin

IBM Dynamic Assessment Plugin es un plugin para las herramientas de desarrollador de Google Chrome que permite automatizar el proceso de evaluación de la accesibilidad web.

viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017


Tanaguru es una herramienta de análisis de código abierto.

El código se puede encontrar en GitHub en Tanaguru.

lunes, 8 de mayo de 2017

¿Son las herramientas automáticas de evaluación de la accesibilidad web fiables?

El artículo Can Automated Web Accessibility Programs Accurately Determine ADA and 508 Compliance? explica que las herramientas automáticas de evaluación de la accesibilidad web no son fiables para asegurar el cumplimiento de las pautas de accesibilidad web:
Can automated web accessibility programs accurately determine ADA and 508 compliance? According to the United States Access Board the answer is, NO. In fact, the Board advised, in an online training tool from May 2016, 50% of errors are likely to be overlooked with an automatic system. The Access Board further states that an automated tool should be used in web development, but not as a reliable monitoring system.

viernes, 21 de abril de 2017

AInspector Sidebar

AInspector Sidebar es un complemento para Mozilla Firefox que evalúa la accesibilidad de una página web de acuerdo a WCAG 2.0.

La descripción dice que se basa en el empleo de OpenAjax Web Accessibility Evaluation Library and Tools.

miércoles, 19 de abril de 2017


En Open-source accessibility testing for the modern web se explica el uso de Quail, una herramienta de código abierto para la automatización de pruebas de accesibilidad:
The Quail Accessibility Information Library is an open-source, MIT-licensed suite of tests that assess web page structure and content. The library is currently developed against WCAG and 508, but additional guidelines may be mapped to tests using a tagging system.
Quail was started by Kevin Miller in 2009 as a PHP library specifically targeted at checking content accessibility within a CMS. Shortly after announcing Quail, he also developed the Accessible Content module for Drupal, which has been used in several government and higher education websites to give content authors feedback. On the train from Drupalcon Denver in March of 2012, Kevin re-wrote Quail as a jQuery plugin to help expand possible integrations to more projects. Quail continues to evolve through volunteer contribution and the leadership of Kevin.