
miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2024

Las capas de accesibilidad deberían ser para los usuarios finales, no para los sitios web

Una reflexión muy interesante sobre las capas de accesibilidad en Overlays Misunderstand Accessibility:

To talk about this subject, let’s start with a hypothetical. We’ll hypothesize that accessibility overlays perfectly solve all accessibility problems on a site. Let’s imagine a future world where the technology used by an accessibility overlay is able to magically transform a user’s experience on a website from a completely blocking experience to something absolutely delightful.

Yeah, it’s a long-shot hypothesis. But work with me, here.

Even in that situation, I would continue to oppose accessibility overlays, for one simple reason:

If it’s so amazing, why isn’t it sold to people with disabilities as assistive technology?

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