Muy interesante la crítica a las capas de accesibilidad (accessibility overlay) que se presenta en The Dangerous Path of the Accessibility Overlay:
Without naming any names – because it doesn’t really matter which tool it is – an accessibility overlay is a tool that fundamentally harms the future of web site accessibility. The nature of accessibility testing is to expose issues to a human being who can then act on those issues. An accessibility overlay, by nature, avoids exposing what problems it has addressed to a human being.
This is a crucial difference that has a long-term impact on the accessibility of the entire internet. When a tool provides feedback to a person for them to act on, that is education. Somebody has to work with that data, look at the source and interaction, and take action. In that process, they will learn more about what it takes to make a website accessible, and will hopefully make the same mistakes less frequently in the future.
An accessibility overlay affords no such benefit.