Todo tipo de información sobre accesibilidad en la Web: errores de accesibilidad, ejemplos de páginas inaccesibles, noticias, software, hardware, productos de apoyo, consejos, pautas y guías de accesibilidad, WAI, WCAG, Norma EN 301 549, legislación, etc.
miércoles, 24 de marzo de 2021
martes, 23 de marzo de 2021
Principales problemas de accesibilidad web y soluciones
Mañana miércoles 24 de marzo, participo con la conferencia "Principales problemas de accesibilidad web y soluciones" en la II Conferencia Internacional en Sistemas de Información y Tecnologías de Software (ICI2ST 2021).
El evento se podrá seguir en directo a través de Facebook Live.
lunes, 22 de marzo de 2021
El reto de probar la accesibilidad con lectores de pantalla
Muy interesante el análisis que se presenta en A developer's perspective: the problem with screen reader testing:
Screen readers are an essential part of using the web for people who are vision impaired, illiterate or have a learning disability.
Today’s screen readers traverse web pages and applications and read out user interface elements, content and allow users to navigate and interact with the web.
There are many screen readers available for different devices and platforms, each with differing levels of functionality, interfaces and features. The most common are JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver and TalkBack.
As a developer regularly faced with time constraints, I have often wondered: what should be the baseline in terms of testing for screen readers, and what browser and screen reader combinations are the most important to cover in order to achieve the greatest level of WCAG compliance?
viernes, 19 de marzo de 2021
Personas que necesitan bajo contraste en vez de alto contraste
Hace unos meses escribí la entrada No todo es alto contraste, también hay gente que necesita bajo contraste en la que comentaba que los criterios de éxito de WCAG que piden que se garantice un alto contraste no son adecuados para personas que justo necesitan lo contrario, bajo contraste.
En la página Prefers-contrast: forced is a mistake también hablan de este tema:
Why would someone prefer low contrast? You, the reader, probably dim your screen at night, or use a blue light filter. Those both lower contrast. There are also people that dim the brightness of their screen to prevent triggering migraines as well as the photophobia and blue light sensitivity I mentioned earlier.
miércoles, 17 de marzo de 2021
Accesibilidad en Vue 3.0
Un vídeo en inglés sobre la accesibilidad de Vue 3.0, Vue 3.0 / Accessibility / Front-End EcoSystem - Virtual Developers Conference 2020:
lunes, 15 de marzo de 2021
Herramienta para analizar la accesibilidad de un sitio web
Domain Accessibility Audit es una herramienta de código libre, basada en axe, que permite analizar la accesibilidad de todo un sitio web a partir de un URL.
viernes, 12 de marzo de 2021
Cómo denunciar la falta de accesibilidad en un sitio web
A raíz de la sanción que ha recibido Vueling por la falta de accesibilidad de su sitio web (Derechos Sociales multa a Vueling con 90.000 euros por mantener una web poco accesible a personas con discapacidad), en Twitter Iván Novegil publicó una explicación de cómo denunciar la falta de accesibilidad web en un hilo:
miércoles, 10 de marzo de 2021
Evaluación de la accesibilidad web con las herramientas de desarrollador del navegador
En Seven ways to test for accessibility of your web site with browser Developer Tools se explica:
There are lots of ways to test your web site for accessibility issues. Services, software packages, even human testing companies. They all have their place and often a test with real people is the best thing to do. However, for a quick, preliminary test you don’t need to install anything or pay for a service. Browsers come with developer tools built-in and these have great accessibility testing features. Here’s a list of the ones in the Developer Tools of browsers like Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
lunes, 8 de marzo de 2021
Llamada de artículos para "How Mature Is Technology in Helping People with Disabilities?"
La revista International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ha publicado la llamada de artículos del número especial How Mature Is Technology in Helping People with Disabilities? en el cual participo como editor invitado. Los temas de este número especial son:
- Machine learning
- Human activity recognition
- Ambient assisted living
- Sensor fusion
- Big data
- Internet of Things
- Non-invasive sensors for sheltered homes
- Generation of datasets with sensors related to different disabilities
- Mobile applications for people with disabilities
- Serious games for people with disabilities
La fecha límite para el envío de artículos es el 31 de diciembre de 2021.
viernes, 5 de marzo de 2021
miércoles, 3 de marzo de 2021
lunes, 1 de marzo de 2021
Diferencias entre alt y figcaption
Una buena explicación en Alt vs Figcaption:
When we boil it all down, websites are really just a series of words and pictures. It’s a way for a person (or sometimes a robot, or sometimes a robot in a person trenchcoat) to tell you about a thing and you, a visitor to their internet page, to consume that thing in whatever form.
Sometimes that form is purely visual. An image.
For that we have the img element. Its sole requirement is the src attribute to direct your browser where to locate your image. And voilà! Visual splendor.
Images, however, have one more thing to consider: Assistive technologies need words to interpret an image. People sometimes need words to better understand why an image is being displayed.
Luckily we have a few ways to describe them in a human readable manner: alt and figcaption. These items house very different writing patterns though, and can be used both together and apart, depending on the conditions.
viernes, 26 de febrero de 2021
miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2021
lunes, 22 de febrero de 2021
Las 11 reglas de oro de la accesibilidad
- Always use a meaningful Alt text
- Define the level of accessibility of your website and follow the guidelines
- Optimise Color Contrast
- Simplify the language
- Lead the users
- Always provide captions for video content
- Don't forget to test keyboard navigation
- Create large buttons!
- Create understandable links
- Use semantic HTML elements
- Use ARIA landmark roles to add feature context to HTML elements
viernes, 19 de febrero de 2021
Cómo usar correctamente tabindex
Muy interesante el artículo Use the tabindex attribute que se ha publicado en The A11Y Project.
miércoles, 17 de febrero de 2021
Moodle alcanza WCAG 2.1 AA
Según la publicación The Moodle LMS achieves WCAG 2.1 AA Accessibility compliance, Moodle es un sistema de gestión del aprendizaje accesible:
In the case of Moodle 3.9 and 3.10, our team has been working closely with an independent, third-party accessibility expert to ensure that our LMS is compliant with the latest Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) of the World Wide Web Consortium: WCAG 2.1 AA.
At the end of 2019, we requested an accessibility audit to Digital Accessibility Specialists WebKeyIT. For this audit, we selected 20 key representative pages that not only students, but also teachers and administrators use the most in Moodle, as we wanted to ensure that our LMS was accessible for all types of users.
The pages that were audited include, amongst others, the Login page, the Dashboard, Quizzes, Calendar, the Course page, the Participant page and the gradebook. During the audit, experts identified accessibility issues that were preventing some of our users from having an optimal Moodle experience. In the months leading to November 2020, our team worked on solving these issues, and with the release of Moodle 3.10, our LMS obtained the WCAG 2.1 level AA Accreditation. This certification is valid for a year, and we’re committed to keep making our software accessible to all users, as this is the only way of really making education accessible to everyone.
lunes, 15 de febrero de 2021
Un curso sobre accesibilidad de Microsoft
Microsoft ofrece el curso Accessibility fundamentals que tiene esta descripción:
Technology can empower people to achieve more, help strengthen education opportunities, and make the workplace more inviting and inclusive for people with disabilities. And with more than 1 billion people with disabilities in the world, Microsoft believes accessibility and inclusion are essential to delivering on our mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Don’t forget to share your awards on social media after completing each module!
Se compone de los siguientes módulos:
- Introduction to disability and accessibility
- Microsoft Accessibility Features and Tools
- Creating accessible content with Microsoft 365
- Digital accessibility
viernes, 12 de febrero de 2021
The A11 Project
The A11 Project es un excelente sitio web repleto de recursos sobre accesibilidad web. Además, es un proyecto colaborativo, se puede participar siguiendo las instrucciones disponibles en Contributing Guidelines.
miércoles, 10 de febrero de 2021
Llamada de artículos para "How Mature Is Technology in Helping People with Disabilities?"
La revista International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ha publicado la llamada de artículos del número especial How Mature Is Technology in Helping People with Disabilities? en el cual participo como editor invitado. Los temas de este número especial son:
- Machine learning
- Human activity recognition
- Ambient assisted living
- Sensor fusion
- Big data
- Internet of Things
- Non-invasive sensors for sheltered homes
- Generation of datasets with sensors related to different disabilities
- Mobile applications for people with disabilities
- Serious games for people with disabilities
La fecha límite para el envío de artículos es el 31 de diciembre de 2021.