
lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

Testeo de la accesibilidad web

La página Accessibility testing, de la wiki del W3C, explica muy bien cómo hacer pruebas para verificar la accesibilidad de una página web, tanto pruebas heurísticas por parte de un experto como pruebas con usuarios.

Entre las herramientas que se citan me ha alegrado encontrar TAW, nuestra herramienta española.

Y al final se incluyen unos ejercicios:

  • Try navigating a complex site of your choice without using the mouse. What difficulties do you encounter? How could the developers of the site help you?
  • Turn off CSS and do your normal browsing for a day. What problems do you encounter?
  • Turn off JavaScript and do your normal browsing for a day. What problems do you encounter?
  • Pick a favourite site, design some personas for the site, then evaluate its conformance with WCAG 1.0 and general accessibility as an expert tester. Design a user testing plan for a site, and include recruit requirements and tasks to test. Write up a report on how it could improve its accessibility.

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