33 Accessibility Statistics You Need to Know in 2021 recopila estadísticas interesantes sobre la accesibilidad y la discapacidad:
- 15% of the world’s population has some sort of disability (WHO)
- 59.6% of the U.S. population with disabilities were living in a household with internet access (Statista)
- 23% percent of disabled respondents say they “never” go online (Pew Research)
- In the U.S., there are currently about 56.7 million Americans with a disability (Census Bureau).
- Around 80 million people in the European Union (EU) currently have a disability (europarl.europa.eu)
- By 2060 the number of people 65 or older is expected to double to 98 million (APA)
- In the APAC region, approximately 20% of Australians have a disability (AIHW)
- According to WHO statistics. 217 million people worldwide had moderate to severe vision impairment in 2015, with this number expected to rise to 588 million by 2050 (WHO)
- Approximately 6.5 million people in the United States and 1-3% of the global population has an intellectual disability (American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities)
- In the US, about 74.6 million people have some type of physical disability (John Hopkins Medicine. “Statistics of Disability.” 2013)
- The population of people with different disabilities in the United States. Hearing Difficulty: 316,450,569; Vision Difficulty: 316,450,569; Cognitive Difficulty: 296,658,475; Ambulatory Difficulty: 296,658,475; Self-Care Difficulty: 296,658,475; Independent Living Difficulty: 242,958,638 (Census Bureau)
- 90% of websites are inaccessible to people with disabilities who rely on assistive technology (AbilityNet).
- 98.1% of home pages had detectable WCAG 2 failures (WebAIM)
- Based on a study of 1M websites by AIM, low contrast is the most common reason (86.3%) for WCAG2 failures (WebAIM)
- Accessibility lawsuits and litigation increased by as much as 181% in the US from 2017 to 2018 (3playmedia.com)
- In 2019, ADA statistics show that 2,256 lawsuits were filed in federal court by persons with disabilities based on web accessibility barriers (adatitleiii.com)
- In 2020, digital accessibility lawsuits rose to over 3,500 cases, that's almost ten lawsuits filed every business day in the United States (UsableNet)
- 21% of lawsuits are against companies who received web accessibility lawsuits in the past (UsableNet)
- Desktop websites had 3235 legal claims for accessibility; Mobile apps had 296 claims; Video Accessibility had 150 claims; Combined Web & App had 16 claims; and Mobile Websites, 3 claims (UsableNet)
- Retailers were cited the most in digital accessibility lawsuits (77.55% ), with food service companies in second place at 7.77% (UsableNet)
- According to research conducted by Tenon, on average, you can find 279 A level and 106 AA level accessibility errors on a page (tenon.io)
- 92% of the most popular federal websites fail to meet basic standards for accessibility, says a study from the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation.
- Over 250 companies sued had invested in accessibility widgets or overlays (UsableNet)
- The best-automated testing tools can only catch about 25% of accessibility issues (boia.org)
- People with disabilities spend a half-trillion dollars annually (UsableNet)
- 73% of the people in the U.K. living with disabilities are unable to complete basic transactions on more than a quarter of the websites they visit (Click-Away Pound)
- Two-thirds of e-commerce transactions are abandoned by people who are blind because of lack of accessibility (US Department of Commerce)
- 82% say they would often return and spend more with a company that provides an accessible online experience (Click-Away Pound)
- Companies without accessible sites are losing $6.9 billion a year to competitors whose sites are accessible (US Department of Commerce)