El tema del control del ordenador con el pensamiento ha aparecido numerosas veces en este blog, como por ejemplo Un interfaz neuronal sigue funcionando después de 1000 días o En Francia también investigan sobre el control del ordenador con la mente (por citar solamente las dos más recientes).
La noticia Technique for letting brain talk to computers now tunes in speech explica que científicos de la Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis han desarrollado un implante (necesita cirujía cerebral) que situado en zonas del cerebro que controlan el habla permiten "hablar" al ordenador con el pensamiento por primera vez (¿por primera vez?), pudiendo controlar un cursor en la pantalla del ordenador simplemente pensando en un sonido.
La noticia Technique for letting brain talk to computers now tunes in speech explica que científicos de la Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis han desarrollado un implante (necesita cirujía cerebral) que situado en zonas del cerebro que controlan el habla permiten "hablar" al ordenador con el pensamiento por primera vez (¿por primera vez?), pudiendo controlar un cursor en la pantalla del ordenador simplemente pensando en un sonido.
“We can distinguish both spoken sounds and the patient imagining saying a sound, so that means we are truly starting to read the language of thought,” he says. “This is one of the earliest examples, to a very, very small extent, of what is called ‘reading minds’ — detecting what people are saying to themselves in their internal dialogue.”
The next step, which Leuthardt and his colleagues are working on, is to find ways to distinguish what they call “higher levels of conceptual information.”
“We want to see if we can not just detect when you’re saying dog, tree, tool or some other word, but also learn what the pure idea of that looks like in your mind,” he says. “It’s exciting and a little scary to think of reading minds, but it has incredible potential for people who can't communicate or are suffering from other disabilities.”